Interior Painting

To our clients this you biggest investment, we are committed to help you achieve your vision and dreams.

The most important consideration when getting interior painted is the prep work, it takes time to make any imperfections are corrected before the paint is applied.

Prepare all interior painting.  We at RandR Painting NC LLC check all walls or ceilings to be painted for nail pops, drywall tape issues nicks, cracks and any imperfections.   All areas requiring patch work will be filled with drywall mud, sand and pointed up (second coat of mud and sanded). All repaired areas will be primed to prevent flashing or leaving a dull finish where repairs we made.

All trim work will be evaluated for imperfections; nails will be set, patched, and painted.  All areas that trim meets walls will be caulked, and then painted with the sheen that owner requests.

All areas  where work is being performed, we will cover floors with drop clothes, plastic on counter tops, bag off ceiling fans if ceilings are being painted  Wall plates will be removed, laundry areas, washing machine and dryer will be slid out in order to paint behind them. Refrigerators will be moved out as well.  Other items will be moved as needed.

At the end of each day work area will be cleaned and put in order.

Upon completion, work areas will be cleaned again and vacuumed. Wall plates will be cleaned and re-installed.

Client will be asked to do a walk through, to make sure we have addressed all their needs.